Friday, 23 November 2018

Only 1% newness is needed to solve a problem

In order to solve a new problem, in general, we need only 1% newness and rest 99% we already know. So we need a proper approach to use the existing knowledge for solving a given problem.

Here I have outlined a very general approach of solving any problem. This approach tells about, how to utilise the idea that only 1% newness is used to solve any problem. As per this approach, there are four steps in solving any problem in general,

Step 1. What is given?
First ask this question from yourself and write out whatever is given to you to solve a problem.

Step 2. What we know?
Second ask this question from yourself and write out everything you know about the given entities, e.g., suppose you are given a triangle then we need to write everything that we know about triangle, like, sum of angles is equal to 180 etc.

Step 3. What we need?
Write out what we are required to find in order to solve the problem and simplify if possible which further lead to some results which we need to prove.

Step 4. 1% Logic/trick
Yes, now look at the relations given to us (from Step 2.) and keep in view the goal (relations from Step 3.), we want to achieve. How can we map relations in Step 2 to target relations in Step 3, this is where you need 1% logic to solve the problem. If you have done the Step 2 and 3, correctly then it should be easy to solve the problem, theoretically.

Happy Mathematics!

NOTE: This idea is from my high school Maths teacher Mr. Pradeep Thakur, who taught me this about 13-14 years back. I believe this is a wonderful approach of problem solving. Since the idea was taught to me more than decade ago so if there is any problem with the theory then I take responsibility for that because I don't remember the exact thing he taught. If you have any comments then please share. I will add example problem soon (as I will get time....).

Dedicated to Sir Pradeep Thakur!

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